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Friday, February 20, 2009

Lets Give 'em somepin to talk about

Hi Everyone!

So as some of you may know, and as others of you may not know, we have Homespun Helpers communities not only in livejournal and blogspot land, but also in "social networking" sites like Ravelry and Facebook.

The itsy bitsy teeny weeny problem is that we don't really use those message boards to well, message. And in fact, we don't really use our blog communities or our Yahoo group that way either.

For the last two years, we have really emphasized our number goals and whatnot which is fine, but this year I'd like to try to build more of a community feel as well. I want people to feel welcome to post even if it's not a post for a finished object.

Now, for Facebook and Ravelry, we can post topics that people can come back to whenever they want, unlike blogs where you have to do a little searching. This has me asking the following question:

What topics would you like to open up for conversation in those groups? Favorite movies, what you're planting, what projects you're working on...

The hope in starting the groups in Ravelry and Facebook, at least in my mind (cuz I didn't start either one) was that we'd get to know each other a little better over there and make new folks feel really warm and welcome.


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