This is the 3rd mitten pattern I've tried, and the only one that I like, that I've finished, and that makes sense. I'm sooooooooo excited. This pair of mens mittens will go to the Bridge Project, was designed by Crochet Princess (Beth), one of the Bridge Team Members. MANY Thanks!!!
Oh, those are great!
BTW, the Personal Achievement Contest ended 12/15/08, so unless you are tagging something else, you don't need to worry about it anymore. You get entered once into the drawing for a skein of yarn automatically :)
Oh, sorry I thought we had one going for 09 as well. Thanks for explaining. I didn't realize the one item drawing took the place of the personal achievement. I'm on board now though.
Had to nod in full agreement on your weather assement. We had lots of closing around here today with the snow and cold. Not my work mind you; but lots of others.
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