Want to Join??

Want to be able to post your own donations, charities, warm fuzzy thoughts? Email us at homespunhelpers@gmail.com

Add yourself to our Frappr Map!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

hat hat shaky shaky!

Hey everyone!

It's the last day of September, so they tell me (I can't believe it), which means it's hat hat shaky shaky time!

And our winner is...


Ninja is the lucky winner of Zort's homemade yarny goodness. So Zort, show this gal of ours what she won!

Oh yeah...and our charity for October is Pretty Bird Woman House -- a great charity that many folks here have made me aware of!

Monday, September 28, 2009

I'm putting out a challenge!

Hey folks,

I'm going to be sans computer for a couple of weeks and won't have time to do stuff at work...I'm going to ask you a question.

Don't you really really really want me to have a lot to do when I get my computer back? I thought so.

So here is a challenge -- can we get to 2,500 items by October 15? We're at 2,377 now.

I think you can do it. Can ya? Punks? :D

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Holy smokes! Our star of the month!! Plus other stuff.

You know, I never did name our star of the month this month. I can't hardly believe it!!!

Well, our star of the month this month is...*trumpets* Soapfaerie!!!

What can we say about Soapfaerie? She has been with us for quite a long time now, even though she insisted at the beginning that "all she could do" was soap. Little did we know how amazing those soaps were!

Soapfaerie always has wonderful comments whenever someone posts something. She was a great competitor this Summer even though the Chowdaheads were the David of our David v. Goliath contest -- and she rejoiced in the other teams winning!

And of course, epitomizing the spirit of Homespun Helpers, she has now begun her own local charity as well. For all of these reasons, plus many more, you all must pay homage to this wicked cool gal for the rest of the month (and for a good chunk of October since I'm so late!) :)

In other news...something to think about for next year. I need help -- mentally, yes, but also in the growing world of Social Media, where I think our group can flourish. I'd like for someone to help me spiff up our Blogspot post -- I want to add to our "blogroll" to hopefully add to our numbers over there, I'll need help making sure we post when other people post items, and finding other content about crafting for charity would be good too. I'd also like someone to man or woman our Facebook page, our Twitter account, and our Ravelry page. I can't keep up with all of these in the way I want, and as a result, I think everything is starting to fall off a bit (note my late posting of our star!)

I'd also like some ideas on how to raise some money next year, even though we aren't a not-for-profit. All of the prizes for this year (except for the September prize which Zort is generously offering to cover) have come out of my pocket. I am happy to do it, but at the same time, a little monetary help would not make me cry :) The Penny Homespuns idea did not take off like I hoped. If you want to be in charge of prize giving and want to try to raise funds that way, that's cool. If you have an idea of something Homespun Helperish we could sell on Etsy or Cafe Press to make money, I'm all ears (I personally think Homespun Helpers t-shirts would be AWESOME). But yeah, I'd like to have more contests and more prizes to give, but my pocketbook may just rebel against me, and that would be tough to explain.

Thoughts? Reactions?

Happy Fall, everyone :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ripley hat

Ripley back
Originally uploaded by craftyone77

another hat i've knit for Warm Woolies. blogged about on One Hundred Hats and finished a few weeks ago.

count towards the personal challenge!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Blogger as our central signpost

hello Blogger folks,

I have decided to make this blog the hub for our activity. While other folks are going to continue to post to Livejournal or Ravelry like they've been doing, I'm going to mention those posts here, or link to them if I have permission.

Because this is our hub, I'd like to link to this blog's posts from our Twitter account & Facebook (perhaps Ravelry would make sense too). I need to know if anyone objects to me linking to your posts in that way -- the pictures of your items (and sometimes you) would be visible without you posting.

If that makes you uncomfortable, I totally understand. Just let me know and I will not link to your posts, I will just note that so and so posted x number of items. Speak now, or not ever :) (just kidding).

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tubey finished!

Tubey finished!
Originally uploaded by craftyone77

i feel like i haven't posted a finished object in FOREVER! here's Tubey, a hat i created for the One Hundred Hats project i'm attempting. it's actually hat #4, but i'll post the other three soon!

count this one towards the personal challenge for me!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Wakey wakey!

I realized I forgot to let everyone know what the charity for this month is, which is pretty silly since it's MY drive! D'oh!

So the idea for this month is making items that go together as a kind of outfit (hat/scarf/mittens, mobius/mittens/socks, etc). They will be donated to a local (to me) homeless women's shelter. And boy could they use help. Please try to have things here by October 1st (sorry for the late warning!).

As for our status, we are at 2,335 items!!!

I'll be posting soon about some ideas for next year, so be ready to put your thinking caps on :)

Have good rest of the weeks!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

August winner!

Lest we forget, August also had a winner for our monthly contest.

The hat shakes and...

Raquel is our winner!!!

Let me know what you would like, Raquel!

Along similar lines, CraftingforCats, Jen, DocLegs, and Leftygirl, please let me know what you would like for your prizes!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And so our Summer contest comes to a close

A hearty congratulations to everyone in Homespun Helpers. I am actually close to sobbing as I tally these numbers. What an amazing group, and you all make it happen.

So, let's get down to it.

Our winners for 2009 are:



With a stunning last push, Team Ohio finished with 549 items.

Captain Underpants, please let me know your top 4 performers as they all get $25 worth of prizes!

Some more stats you say?

From Memorial Day to (almost) Labor Day, we booked 1,429 items plus a few items that weren't tagged for the contest. Yeah.

Right now we're at 2,329 items!!!

Simply amazing. I am stunned. And you should be too!

Ticking down

Okay folks...Ima go eat my dinner and when I'm back -- no more entries. And I eat pretty quick :)

September Monthly Contest - One for One

For the month of September, I am going to be sponsoring the monthly contest as a repeat of last year's One for One contest.

Each person who posts a finished, handmade object for charity during the month of September will be entered into the drawing. You can only enter once (no matter how many things you make.) When you post your item which you want to be your entry, tag it with the one for one tag OR post it to the 'one for one' thread on Ravelry.

At the end of the month I will randomly select one winner from all entrants and the winner will receive a hand-dyed skein of yarn. It's 100 grams of superwash sport weight yarn and I have no idea what colours it will be yet. :-) I will post a photo when it's been dyed!

If you have any questions, please do ask!