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Friday, December 14, 2007

Heads UP!

As you see below, our dear dear Robyn, aka craftyone, has gotten our typepad site going with her web crew. You can check it out at


She has a place to link to charities we support and she is working on a section for ongoing projects. Here is what I have so far. Let me know if there is anything to add.

Bag O'Sunshine:

Bag O'Sunshine is a charity for US veterans residing in nursing homes or at vet hospitals. The bags can be any size, but we make a far amount that have handles long enough to hang off of walkers. We fill the bags with toiletries, candies, and in the Winter, they get filled with scarves, hats, and mittens.

Bag O'Sunshine Sweets:

These are teeny tiny bags (any size or shape is fine) that can be placed into packages or into the Bags o'Sunshine. The idea is to fill them with a few chocolate kisses or little sweets like that. Just a nice little touch.

How Many People Can We Dress:

The goal of this project is to put together "outfits" and determine how many people we are dressing with our items. Outfit can include hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, ponchos, socks, or anything else. We try to color coordinate them so that they really go together. Goods have been shipped to Afghans for Afghans and to shelters across the United States.

Warm Up America Squares:

We support Warm Up America by making squares squares squares! Our members sew those together and donate the finished afghans to the WUA.

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